CAS Non-traditional Christmas

Do you ever use non-traditional Christmas colors or images? Today’s projects were inspired from Muse: Christmas Visions. Chris Blagrave created this non-traditional flower card. Her reasoning behind it was that it reminded her of a Poinsettia. Here is mine along side her creation.

Chris Blagrave Muse Christmas Visions   One Layer Christmas Cards

I love the clean and simple style of the card, it’s crisp and straightforward. The sentiment pops and the warm silver is perfect for it.

When I look at her card, I think Peacock for some reason – maybe it’s the color and the way her flower fans out. I didn’t have a peacock image, and I didn’t want to use Distress which has the perfect shade – Peacock Feathers. I wanted to use Bermuda Bay by Stampin Up, so off I went to create. My original project was this:

Non Traditional Evergreen Christmas Cards

Although it is a great simple CAS card, something just wasn’t sitting well with me as far as the inspiration went. So I created the coral embossed card instead.

The image is perfect, and I love the Teal Christmas in-between the Silver Embossed Joyful Wishes – that looks great! You will want to use a Bermuda Bay Marker to do that part first, then you would use a stamp-a-majig/Misti to add the Versamark Words to emboss them in the Pewter.

My Non-Traditional Christmas Creation

I also created one where the coral was going off the side and a bit smaller so I could layer it with a pop of the Bermuda Bay teal color.  You can also add a few sequins – it didn’t necessarily need it, but I couldn’t resist! Smile

Beach Christmas Cards

Overall, what you’ll love the most is how quick and easy these cards are to make. I literally made all three in a just a few minutes – they all work for Christmas cards.

I found it so interesting that the Coral stamp worked so well as a non-traditional Christmas image. It’s a beauty when embossed – and would be good for any occasion – especially weddings!

TIP – You will want to stay with a rich feel, so you’ll want to use Pewter instead of traditional Silver. It’s a bit warmer and muted which suits this card much better.

If I had to pick an absolute favorite…it’s the One Layer one! The simplicity and ease of just the single layer is stunning.

How about you? Which one is your favorite? Tell me in the comments – I’d love to know.

Quick DIY Christmas CardsClean and Simple Christmas Cards

Have fun crafting, be sure to whip out your Bermuda Bay or any Teal color – Peacock Feathers Distress would be great! Try the non-traditional Christmas route…you may just surprise yourself!

Signature 24 pt


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