Faux Leather Technique Video


Yesterday you saw a card based off of the most recent Mojo Monday Sketch.  Today, you’ll get a chance to see the video for this project and how to create paper that has the texture of worn leather.  If you missed the step by step post for this card, be sure to check it out here.

Here’s the video for you and of course I updated the card as well.  Instead of leaving the flower as a circle, I chose to leave the flower cut out with a sliver of white on the edge to help it pop.  What do you think, which way do you like better?  Let me know in the comment section below!



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About Ingrid Blackburn


  1. Sorry forgot to say, I like the cut out flower best.

  2. Very pretty card, really like that sketch will have to try it soon. Great look with the Faux Leather.

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