One Layer Flicked Distress Technique

Have you ever just loved a card or technique and wanted to duplicate it, but in a different way?  This project shows you just how to do that!  A few months back, I made a great card using the Flicked Distress Technique.  Well, after seeing the challenge for blending on the challenge blog One Layer Simplicity Challenge, I decided to re-create this card, but this time – I’d do it completely in one layer!

OLC Flicked Distress 001

This card re-created in one layer would not be an easy task, or so I thought – it turned out to be quite simple, and what a cool impact card this is – all for the price of half a sheet of white cardstock!  I even filmed a step by step tutorial for you, so grab a beverage, sit back and enjoy!

Watch this video on You Tube

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OLC Flicked Distress 006

Here’s a link to the original project in case you wanted to see the layered version! Thanks for stopping by today, see you next time!


OLC Flicked Distress 004

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