One Layer American Flag

One Layer Cards not only save time, but can really make a statement.  I’m going to keep going with the patriotic theme this week for Independence Day and give you a fun, quick and easy but real impact statement card.

This month at the One Layer Simplicity Challenge, the challenge was to create a card based off elements of the flag of your country.  Well, I have two that I call home.  Today I’m going to show you the one I made for the United States.  I took mine literal with the national holiday this Friday, but think you’ll appreciate it.

I was thinking of our troops stationed around the world and thought the saying a thousand thanks seemed appropriate!  I’m sending this to my friend’s husband – he’s been back and forth to the Middle East serving our country I don’t even know how many times – too many to count.  It’s the perfect card just to say thank you.

Enjoy!  VIP Community members have access to a  step by step video of this project.  To find out more about our VIP membership – click here.

One Layer Americana Card (3)One Layer Americana Card (7)

Have a happy 4th this week!


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